Thoughts [Blog]
art, blog, city, art in a city, contemporary artist, Artina Dozier, emerging artist, painter, writer, fashion, design, detroit artist, African-American artist
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By Artina Dozier-Gage

I have often used the phrase, “I’m a sucker for packaging” which is disparaging in nature. It carries with it negative connotations about the person who finds pleasure and purpose in high quality packaging, deeming them, “a sucker” or in essence a fool—one who can be easily deceived.

So too does the packaging itself fall prey to the pejorative or negative implication in the popular phrase. It suggests that the packaging is inherently a play in trickery whereby its sole purpose is to cheat or deceive the naive consumer.

Let it be said that of course there is plenty of intentionally false or misleading advertising in the marketplace. And, yes, packaging plays a role; however, one that I’m not going to explore in this article. Here, I want to disassociate packaging from its primary function to sale product.

Rather, I want to think about packaging in and of itself; on its own. In doing so what first comes to mind are the visuals surrounding packaging. Colors, shapes, illustration, typeface. The aesthetics in packaging. I think about the physicality of a package. Textures, dimensions, weight and material. The raw and earthy warmth of a corragated box brings forth the sense of touch; as does the cool and smooth surface of an aluminum container, or the soothing fine polish of a heavy cardstock paper. All of these attributes hold power that evoke human emotion.

How many times have you picked up a box or a tin of tea and felt carried away by its exquisiteness in design? It’s imagery; how it actually feels in your hand; the colors; the messaging through words and language used to describe it’s content. These things hold real value on their own account. They provide the beholder with an experience—the experience of being transported even just for a moment.

No, being drawn to beautiful or thoughtful or smart packaging is not a practice for suckers; rather it is a conscious appreciation for the art of packaging. 




Kanye’s Dark Twisted Fashion


by Artina Dozier-Gage


I came away from watching Yeezy’s Season 8 show utterly inspired. I love when a concept is completely committed to it’s self. The show had a finished feel from the very beginning, with the element of surprise in presenting a show in the first place, to the performance element of the invitation with it’s beautiful and very minimalist and streamlined textual design. I also felt that North and the very touching and tender moment between Father and daughter brought a wonderful lightness and sense of humanity. Even the color that she adorned seemed to breathe life and some warmth into what was by many accounts a cold place.READ MORE

Dear Sarah, Works by Ayana V. Jackson

Sarah Forbes, 2016


by Artina Dozier-Gage


The latest showing of the works featured in Ayana V. Jackson's Dear Sarah exhibit was held at the David Klein Gallery in Detroit. Jackson is an internationally known photographer whose work examines historical black figures, specifically how they are articulated in images. Jackson, in fact, rediscovers them, giving them new life by literally embodying these figures—using of her own body to reinterpret a historic image and, thus providing a framework for the viewer to share in the examination.

embody - to make perceptible; incarnateREAD MORE

Through the Window of a Gen Z Artist

Odd Couple, 2019


by Artina Dozier-Gage


As I looked at the artwork of Whitney Parrish, a 17 year old senior at Arts Academy in the Woods high school I was taken by the expressiveness of the choices she made with her palette. The colors in her paintings are an interesting weave or dance between an idyllic, childlike interpretation that is vivid and spirited with that of a more muted, somewhat serene tone that one can only begin to grasp and express more fully with age. This all made sense to me considering not long ago Whitney would be considered a child, yet at once she is on the cusp of full womanhood—a very young woman, but still a woman nontheless.READ MORE

Power Moves With White Shoes


Want to get into a fashion zone? Rock a pair of stark-white heels or booties and feel the energy that ensues. It’s the trend that was reignited late 2017 and seems to still be going strong based on virtually all of the major design houses’ Fall/Winter 2019/2020 collections seen strutting down fashion week runways.

In thinking about it further, one reason for our obsession with the color black in fashion has to do with its inability to really blend in with anything other than itself. So, too, is the color white. It stands out. It’s in your face. It doesn’t dissolve in or resolve to the background. It pops with tasteful noise. It’s loud, yet chic. White is still not considered to be a “go-to”, typical, or sort of run-of-the-mill color choice with certain shoe styles, like stilettos or booties; because of this, it lends itself to a kind of defiance and a certain boldness—immediately telling onlookers that you are fashion­-conscious and confident in your choices.

Here, the model is wearing a rather elegant pair of white pumps by Aquazzura at the Lunar New Year celebration and fashion show at Saks Fifth Avenue.  Note the Louboutin bag—fire!

So, go ahead indulge in the white shoe! 


  • White T-Shirt, an Iconic fashion piece
  • White T-Shirt Dressed Up

The Classic T-Shirt Done 3 Ways

by Artina Dozier-Gage


It’s versatile. It’s classic. It’s iconic. It’s the white T-shirt.


Want to get a good bang for your buck in fashion wear? Invest in a good classic white tee, a style essential. The white T-shirt has so many qualities to love. Let’s begin with a feature that is uber important, but one that can be sometimes overlooked in fashion, that is comfort. READ MORE